IEEE World Haptics Conference 2025
Work-in-Progress Papers (WIP)
Work-in-Progress Papers (WIP) enable authors to share late-breaking results with the research community. After a single-blind review process, accepted work-in-progress papers will be presented as a poster publication during a separate session. The length is a 2-page extended abstract including references. The Work-in-Progress papers will be included in the digital conference proceedings. They will also be published in the conference website if the authors agree to. The authors will retain the copyright.
Formatting: Papers should be prepared according to the formatting instructions available here. The templates for papers can be downloaded in Word, or Latex format. Documents should be formatted in US Letter size.
Single-blind review: WIPs are subject to a single blind review process, meaning that the list of authors needs to be specified in the paper. The emphasis of WIP papers is on the novelty and soundness of the work, not completeness. While requiring less detail, WIP papers will still be held to a high standard of impact and interest to our audience. Reporting of data to support hypotheses, or simulation and analytical results to support models or claims are expected to appear in the report, with appropriate schematics, diagrams, and graphics.
Supplementary video figure (optional): Authors may choose to submit a video figure, e.g., to highlight aspects of the contribution which are hard to fully understand from static figures. Reviewers should be able to assess the contribution of the paper solely based on the PDF, i.e., the paper submission must stand on its own without the supplementary video. Video figures should be no more than two minutes long, with a file size less than 200 MB. We recommend a resolution of 1080p (1920 x 1080) or 4k (3840 x 2160), encoded as an MP4 using the H.264 codec.
Inclusion: We encourage authors to review the guidelines for an inclusive submission.
Ethical Conduct of Research: Haptics research frequently involves human participants in experiments and observational studies. Ethical treatment of human participants is a core value of the haptics community, as it is for the broader international scientific research community.
While we recognize that institutions around the world differ in their specific requirements, we expect the authors of all submitted papers to adhere to basic ethical guidelines for the treatment of human participants, as embodied in documents such as the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki.
Submitting authors are required to declare either that no human participants were involved in the research reported in their submission or that human participants took part in the reported research, and standard ethical practices were followed, as described in the submitted paper.
Submission : The submission portal can be accessed at the following link: