
Workshops and Tutorials provide a forum for participants to enjoy talks by leading researchers and discuss emerging and active research areas in smaller groups.


Workshops are categorized into two types: Panel Workshops and Open Workshops.

  • Panel Workshops focus on specific topics in haptics research. These workshops feature a panel of invited speakers who deliver talks and engage in discussion sessions on the topic.
  • Open Workshops also center on specific topics, but organizers invite contributions from individuals willing to present talks on the theme.

For both types of workshops, organizers are required to provide a finalized program and a complete list of speakers.


Tutorials are designed to offer hands-on experience in established research areas. These sessions should focus on a single topic and be delivered by two or three experts in the field.

Important dates
  • Full Proposal Submission: 23:59 AOE on April 6, 2025
  • Notification of Acceptance: 23:59 AOE on April 15, 2025
Submission Instructions

Please submit your workshop/tutorial proposal as a single PDF-document (2-3 pages) via email to and CC’ing:

Your workshop/tutorial proposal should include the following information:

  • Title
  • Organizers’ names, affiliations, and emails
  • Description of the proposed format
  • Duration: full-day (approx. 8h excluding breaks) or half-day (approx. 4h excluding breaks)
  • Proposed program with a list of presenters and tentative talks titles
  • Any requirements for room facilities, furniture, equipment (we will do our best to accommodate the requirements where possible)
  • Any other useful information

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

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